Hello all,

I'm in the process of converting a piece of text written in word format to
Lyx. The author of the text however has written the text completely in a two
columned table. The left column of the table is normal text, the right
column are examples accompanying the text. The author insists that I leave
this table structure intact. This is, in my opinion, not the way tables
should be used, but unfortunately I seem to have little to say about it. 


So, now my question: Is there any good method in Lyx that makes this
possible? I have tried putting minipages into tables, but that was getting
too complicated. A normal two column layout wouldn't work either I think,
unless there is some command like columnbreak, which still would be very
unpractical. And if there's no way to do this, also please let me know, as I
might get it to do my way then.


Thanks a lot,


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