
I used Lyx with fancyhdr to put a big image in the header on the first page. (Found info in LyX User Guide on fancyhdr). To accomodate that 1 inch image, I have to make the page top margin 1.5 inches. If I don't make the margin that big, then the image in the header is pushed off the top of the page.

But that fancy page style is applied on page 1 only. I use plain for the rest of the document. I want to make the margin revert to 1 inch at the top on following pages. I've read through lots of emails about TeX and the conclusion seems to be that this is impossible. geometry can only be accessed from the preamble on a document wide basis.

Is that true? I can't hardly believe it.

I will gladly supply example lyx document if it helps you see what I mean, but from the email archives, I gather most of you already do know what I mean. I'm just double checking on the answer....

As an alternative, I could take the image out of the header, but I need a way to make it draw in above the top margin on the first page. I accidentally found a way to do this, but it frightens me because I think it is exploiting a bug in lyx. Take an image that is 4 inches, and insert into the top of the lyx document. It is too huge. Then:

1. click on the image, and chose the scaling, and change it to 1 inch.

When you say OK and view dvi, the image in the document is not rescaled. The image is huge.

2. Use the "clipping option" with the image. If you change get the coordinates from the document in the clipping menu for the image, and leave those coordinates alone, then the dvi output shows the image fully within the margin. However, and this is where I think the bug is, if you change the top right coordiate to about one half of its original value, it cause the image to move up into the margin area.

My understanding with clipping, which holds true if you do not rescale the image, is that the clipping works like "cropping" a photo. It cuts down the part of the image that you actually use. However, with a big picture that is rescaled, I see this unexpected effect of cropping. The image placement moves the 1 inch image up into the margin, about right for letterhead.

Is this an unknown thing? Maybe not a bug, but a feature? I'm attaching the document "lyxBugTest1.lyx" but I'm not giving the image file that goes with it. The image file Univ_sealGiantBlue.eps is a 4.5 x 4.5 inch eps image. It is a big thing (1.4 megabytes) and I don't want to impose it on your email list. I figure you can put in your own big eps file to see what I mean.

Paul E. Johnson email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dept. of Political Science
1541 Lilac Lane, Rm 504 University of Kansas Office: (785) 864-9086
Lawrence, Kansas 66044-3177 FAX: (785) 864-5700

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