>>Date: Tue, 02 Mar 2004 11:19:42 -0600
>>From: Paul Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Subject: Need bigger margin on first page only. It is impossible?  Circumvent 
via LyX bug?
>>I used Lyx with fancyhdr to put a big image in the header on the first 
>>page.  (Found info in LyX User Guide on fancyhdr).  To accomodate that  
>>1 inch image, I have to make the page top margin 1.5 inches.  If I don't 
>>make the margin that big, then the image in the header is pushed off the 
>>top of the page.
>>But that fancy page style is applied on page 1 only.  I use plain for 
>>the rest of the document.  I want to make the margin revert to 1 inch at 
>>the top on following pages. I've read through lots of emails about TeX 
>>and the conclusion seems to be that this is impossible.   geometry can 
>>only be accessed from the preamble on a document wide basis.
>>Is that true?  I can't hardly believe it.

AFAIR, you may not _define_ margins after the beginning of document,
but you may _change_ existing values, e.g. (in ERT)
on page 1
on page 2.

Is this OK ?


PS 1 I guess it's not easy because it is not a "normal" practice to change
     page layout so directly.

PS 2 There is a fancyplain option which make plain title pages (chapter
     title pages in a report or book) and fancy other pages. Don't know
     if it helps there either (I use this to avoid running headers on
     chapter title pages).

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