>>Date: Tue, 23 Mar 2004 08:45:46 -0800 (PST)
>>From: Rich Shepard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Subject: Bit-mapped graphics
>>X-message-flag: Sent virus-free from a linux system.
>>  I would like to include a few maps and other bit-mapped graphics (in
>>grey-scale, not color) in my book. Is there a preferred format to use, as
>>.eps is the preferred format for vector graphics?

jpg for a picture, png for "bitmap-vector-graphics".
Both allow trade-off between resolution and size, see ImageMagick manual.
bitmap-vector-graphics resize badly, try to get them at final size
with convert, display or mogrify.
picture resizing is less sensitive.

E.g. for screen capture (which is bitmap-vector-graphics if you
catch a window):
xwd > foo.xwd
(screen capture)
convert -colorspace GRAY -antialias -geometry 60% foo.xwd foo.png
(self explicative)
convert foo.png foo.eps
(get the eps for latex compilation)

If you use tex2pdf, it will avoid converting foo.eps back to foo.pdf
and use the original foo.png 


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