This works with hyperref package.

Here is an example:

Make sure you have hyperref as your last referenced package in your preamble


Within your document referencing part, chapter, section, etc. use the ERT 
command to get straight LaTeX.

\part*{Part Title}


On Thursday 29 April 2004 15:56, Dominique Buenzli wrote:
> Hello !
> I just started with lyx, so sorry if this is a stupid question...
> I would love if my table of contents would be hyperlinked to the right
> chapter/section/subsections on the final pdf file.
> With TexShop (another LaTex software) I just used this command at the
> beginning of my document: \usepackage{hyperref} and it would work.
> How to do the same with lyx ?
> Thanks a lot for your answer.
> Dominique

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