Maciej Kalisiak wrote:

> My LyX document contains a bunch of *.fig files.  Under PS
> everything looks
> great.  Under PDF (via pdflatex or dvipdfm) each figure gets its own
> page, and is rotated to be in landscape mode, and resized to take
> most of that full
> page.  I'm using the latest LyX version that comes with Debian:
> 1.3.4-2
> What can I do to get PDF generation to work just like the PS one? 
> I've seen some "external_templates" on the Net that look different
> from mine and look like they may be able to handle PDF versions of
> fig better, but I'm not
> familiar with editing that file.   Any help would be greatly
> appreciated.

You need to expand your detail a little.

* Are you using the Graphics inset or the External inset to 'hold' 
these .fig files. The approaches used to generate latex from each are 
fundamentally different in the 1.3.x code.

I suspect that you are using the Graphics inset, because the 
external_templates file shipped with LyX 1.3.x does not handle 
pdflatex conversion at all.

It all comes down to what converter you use to define the conversion 
from .fig to .pdf. You can probably wrap the native fig2dev call in a 
shell script to also rotate the generated pdf file.

Just some thoughts,


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