I use lyx port in a windows xp. After some itchy corrections (like
learn the precise version of imagemagick that works, avoiding spaces
in directory names and the like), I found an almost terminal problem.
Lyx worked QUITE fine -- we built a monography just with it -- but I
was not able to add any more latex class to lyx using the unix
procedure (add class to tetex, add .layout file to lyx, Edit/
Reconfigure. Finally today I have found that executing configure.bat
and then configure in a console of windows, lyx reconfigure its latex
entry (which has let me use beamer, i.e.)

Do you people know if it is really a bug for windows port? I mean, I'm
starting to be a lyx apostle, but if, hum, a luser has to do a lot of
tricks like the one I mentioned above, it sounds to be hard to achieve

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