On Wed, Jan 26, 2005 at 06:59:29PM -0500, Michael Wojcik wrote:
> >I understand that that wouldn't work even if it had a .py extension.
> >That mechanism is triggered only if you click on the blighter or such
> >like. Apparently. The only sure fire way to get things working is to
> >invoke it as "python <path to>/lyx2lyx".
> Actually, at least in XP (and, presumably, Win2003), if the association
> for the "py" file extension is correct, running foo.py from the command
> line works fine, as does eg system("foo.py").  I didn't bother testing
> OS functions like CreateProcess, or check the source to see how lyx2lyx
> is being run.  It's a bit moot as long as lyx2lyx doesn't have an extension.

It has no extension.


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