On Mon, 14 Feb 2005, Paul Smith wrote:

Yes, Rich. An example is below.

Thanks, Paul.

  I now know the power of pstricks, but what I have yet to discover is
whether the effort of coding everything is worthwhile for many
illustrations. This comment is not meant to ignite a flame war or cast
aspersions on pstricks but to express my lack of familiarity with the tool.
There are a number of vector drawing programs for linux (xfig is
probably the best known and tgif is my favorite) that can do many static
figures more quickly. There are also gnuplot and gri for data plotting;
these, too, are hand coded and not drawn interactively so this may be less
of an issue with data plots.

  Where I see the value of pstricks is plotting data output from model runs.
The axes can be set as a template and the data plotted as it's generated.
Since the textual output of model run progress will be applied to a LaTeX
template the addition of pstricks will produce output that can't be beat for
visual appeal.


Dr. Richard B. Shepard, President
Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc. (TM)
<http://www.appl-ecosys.com>   Voice: 503-667-4517   Fax: 503-667-8863

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