Uwe Stöhr a écrit :
Guillaume Yziquel a écrit:

It works... but if the proof includes more than one paragraph, the pdf output is like this :

Proof: blah, blah,
[figure] blah, blah
blah, blah, blah.
blah, blah, blah,
         blah, blah
blah, blah, blah.

There is an extra blank as if it tried to put the figure twice.

I'm not able to reproduce this. If you send (only the relevant part of) your LyX-file, I can have a look at it.

Indeed, in general, everything seems to work well, as I figured out. However, if you choose "book (AMS)" in Document Layout, you might be able to reproduce this.

Attached are a figure, img.png, and a lyx file, fig.lyx. On my box (Lyx 1.3.4 on MacOSX), there is this two paragraph problem when producing a pdf through pdflatex from this file.

For further information: Unfortunately it doesn't exist "the" solution for wrapped floats - every method has it problems.
LyX uses the LaTeX-package "floatflt" for floats. As alternative you can try out the LaTeX-packages "wrapfig" or "picins". You'll need a bit ERT for them. Wrapfig supports also wrapped tables.

Thank you for this kind of information.

regards Uwe


Guillaume Yziquel
#LyX 1.3 created this file. For more info see http://www.lyx.org/
\lyxformat 221
\textclass amsbook
\language frenchb
\inputencoding auto
\fontscheme default
\graphics default
\paperfontsize default
\spacing single 
\papersize a4paper
\paperpackage a4
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\use_amsmath 1
\use_natbib 0
\use_numerical_citations 0
\paperorientation portrait
\secnumdepth 5
\tocdepth 3
\paragraph_separation skip
\defskip medskip
\quotes_language swedish
\quotes_times 2
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 1
\paperpagestyle default
\bullet 1
\bullet 2
\bullet 3

\layout Title

Little problem...
\layout Theorem

This is how to construct solutions of a quadratic polynomial with a ruler
 and a compass...
 I'll let you figure out which polynomial, if you care...
\layout Proof

Here I'll try to reproduce the problem.
\begin_inset Wrap figure
width "50col%"
collapsed false

\layout Standard
\align left 

\begin_inset Graphics
        filename img.png
        lyxscale 30
        scale 30



This is how you do it : draw the 
\begin_inset Quotes sld

\begin_inset Quotes srd

 (in french, I do not know the english word) of APB, then perpendicular
 of this bissectrice.
 It intersects the 
\begin_inset Quotes sld

\begin_inset Quotes srd

 in K.
 Then you draw the circle of center K passing through A (and B).
 The intersection of the bissectrice and the circle are the roots of the
 quadratic polynomial.
 Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah,
 blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah,
 blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah...
\layout Proof

Hope this is clear.
 If it is not, maybe I'll tell you more...
 If you're interested.
 However, notice the blank in the second paragraph.
 Thank you, Uwe.

<<inline: img.png>>

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