>>>>> "Bruce" == Bruce Ernest Weller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Bruce> J-Marc Happy to carry out the correspondence in the list but I
Bruce> suspect that I am guilty of not providing enough
Bruce> information.Not really sure of the etiquette and reluctant to
Bruce> lead the list readers on a wild goose chase.

Writing on the list is always better (I readded it) because:
1/ people actually learn from what we write
2/ maybe someone else will step up to help me :)

Bruce> Plugged your script into >Layout>Document>LaTeX preamble like
Bruce> this:

Bruce> \usepackage{remreset} 
Bruce> \renewcommand{thesection}{Article \Roman{section}}

Bruce> (Blind copying here as I do not understand apart from what I
Bruce> read)

So blind that you forgot a \ before "thesection" on the second line :)

Bruce> Now, the bit that I did not clearly set out is that I am using
Bruce> Document class 'book (mwbk)' which may have made a difference
Bruce> to your response? Another point is that while the Section* do
Bruce> not appear in Lyx's Content Table they are in the dvi and in
Bruce> the page headings. (Which is the reason why I want the opt.)

mwbk is a document class that is supposed to be tailored for books
written in Polish. I doubt this is what you want to do. If you want a
high quality and customizable class, I suggest to look up memoir. It
has a great manual that first explains how to typeset a book and
second how to use memoir commands.

Note that some memoir commands are not (yet) supported transparently
by LyX.

Bruce> Would the purchase of the TeXbook be the next step? Or should I
Bruce> just go back to the LyX Help files and chase down ERT
Bruce> explanations?

I think the fix I pointed above will be sufficient to get you started.
If you want to read about LaTeX, the TeXbook is definitely not the
first book to read. You could maybe try the not so short introduction
to LaTeX
or the memoir class documentation


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