Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
>  how is it with the `personal dictionary´:
>  I tried to put the name of a newly created file
>  `myspellcheckfile.ispell´ (filetype ispell, because that was proposed in
>  Preferences), but that was not accepted. I changed to
>  `myspellcheckfile.aspell´, but that did not work either. So I left it
>  out. And, surprise, it accepts words to be added to a (personal?)
>  spellcheckfile. Where are these words stored and how do I save them?

$ aspell dump config

will output your configuration to stdout.

>  Thanks,
>  Wolfgang
>  ps: I must excuse myself for asking a lot of things which I should find
>  out myself. However, I agreed to talk about Lyx at the soon forthcoming
>  LinuxTag in Karlsruhe, Germany (for `Dante´), and would like to have
>  things working and understand a bit, what I am going to talk about.

Then keep asking ;-)


  • Re: aspell Wolfgang Engelmann
    • Re: aspell Angus Leeming

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