
I just upgraded my machine from Redhat 9 to Fedora Core 4. Since the upgrade (which I saw inclued a tetex upgrade), LyX 1.3.6 does not recognize any Tex document classes: 'The document uses a missing TeX class "article". LyX will not be able to produce output'. I found previous messages on the archives with similar troubles and tried those solutions (in particular http://www.mail-archive.com/lyx-users@lists.lyx.org/msg40759.html and http://www.mail-archive.com/lyx-users@lists.lyx.org/msg39463.html ), but they did not work for me. My TeX classes are present: they are found by LyX in View->TeX Information ->LaTeX classes ->article.cls (for example), and they are also found by doing
$ kpsewhich tex article.cls

I have run texhash and LyX->Edit->Reconfigure, deleted my ~/.lyx directory and restarted, even reinstalled LyX just to be sure, to no avail. When I do LyX->Help->LaTeX Configuration, Section 1 says that "The LaTeX version that LyX will use is: ???" And every item in the document is followed by a "Found: ???". So LyX can't find LaTeX just because I upgraded my OS? To be fair, I never bothered to check what this file said before the upgrade, as everything worked fine.

I am now out of ideas, and any you have would be much appreciated. Reinstalling teTeX seems a bit extreme, since everything is here already.

Derek Lamb

Paul Smith wrote:

Derek: try to use the latex command (from the command line) on a LaTeX
document to check whether the problem comes exclusively from the LaTeX


ok, I asked someone to make sure I was doing that correctly (I use LyX so I don't have to use LaTex more than necessary), and I got this:

$ latex code-comparison.tex
This is pdfeTeXk, Version 3.141592-1.21a-2.2 (Web2C 7.5.4)
%&-line parsing enabled.
kpathsea: Running mktexfmt latex.fmt
fmtutil: format directory `/web2c' is not writable.
I can't find the format file `latex.fmt'!

So why did the new distro create a /web2c anyway? That sure wasn't there before. And I shouldn't have to have write permission to a root-mounted directory just to run LaTeX (though I suppose that I could). So
$ locate latex.fmt

shows that these files exist somewhere at least, but not in /web2c. There is a /web2c/tex.fmt, but no /web2c/latex.fmt

When I make /web2c writable and rerun the above command, a bunch of text flies by, ending with:
"No pages of output.
Transcript written on latex.log.' instead of a filename.
I can't find the format file `latex.fmt'! "

I checked /web2c/latex.log and it doesn't appear to have anything useful in it (but if you want it ask me), it ends with a bunch of TeX memory diagnostics and the phrase "No pages of output."


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