_____/ On Sat 03 Sep 2005 19:04:31 BST, [Jordi Espasa Clofent] wrote : \_____

Hi all,

I'm working in a doc wich I want to export to html format when it's finished.
I've make a look about this, but in File > Export doesn't appear any HTML
format option. So, I've installed latex2html and reboot lyx, but it doesn't
appear yet.


Latex2html is an excellent tool, which you must run from the /command
line/. For
example, once you export your document as LaTeX (File -> Export -> LaTeX),
navigate your way (in DOS, Bash or whatever) to the location (path) of the
output file and run the script, calling the file as the only (first) argument,

c:/>latex2html my_doc.tex


$ latex2html my_doc.tex

You should then have a new directory in the current location which
contains all
the output, namely pages, graphics, basic styles and some status junk.

By the way, I found latex2html to be superior to lyx2html for a variety of
reasons. I no longer use lyx2html, ever.

PD. I've read in list about the accents troubles in spanish language.
Currenlty, my desktop system is a SuSE 9.3 and the Lyx package provided by
SuSE/Novell have the same problem. I supose the problem is Qt library is
compiled with immodule actived but I've tried to install Lyx sources first of
all. And... surpirse!!! It works fine!!! I've not need to generate a Qt with
immodule in off.
I hope this info helps somebody. ;)
        Jordi Espasa

The above problem will now be archived somewhere, keywords SuSE, LyX, Spanish,
QT (repeating word wouldn't hurt keyword density in the search engines, right?

Hope it helps,


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