Paul Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

| On 10/19/05, Paul <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| > >>> PS: Please always reply to the list
| > >
| > > I second that. I noticed a tendency to reply off-list. This leaves
| > > gaps in the mailing list archives and puts off a subset of list
| > > subscribers. css-discuss, on the contrary, adopted some different
| > > habits. The main question to ask is "would the group or the World
| > > Wide Web benefit from this response or is its scope too narrow?". For
| > > the latter, in the case of Web site critique, there needn't be a
| > > public message available as it is site-specific or refers to browser
| > > bugs that are soon to vanish.
| >
| > Maybe it's just my mail client, but this list seems to default for a
| > reply to the sender instead of to the list, unlike all the other lists
| > I've ever been on. I accidently sent a reply intended for the list to
| > the sender and didn't realise until a few days later. So maybe other
| > people have the same problem.
| I agree, Paul. The reply address should be occupied by the list's address.

>From what I have seen configuration tips for mailing list recommend
what we are doing here. (mailman certainly does)

Me, I use 'f' for follow-up, and 'r' for reply.
That is "Reply to all" and "Reply" for you outlookers.
Default finger-twitch should be 'f'.


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