On 2005-10-30 2:20, Michael-E. Voges wrote:

>Hi  杨朝晖,
>Am Freitag, 28. Oktober 2005 17:17 schrieb 杨朝晖:
>>When writing an article in tex source, in the author block I would
>>format the code this way:
>>\author {
>>But in lyx I can't add linebreak (\\) before or after the \and command.
>>That leads to latex compile error. Nor can I hit <Enter>, that will cut
>>the author environment into segments (multiple author block in tex). So,
>>It have to be like this in lyx (horizontally centered):
>>Institute1 \and Author2\\
>>This looks ugly. And I think it is against "WYSIWYM".
>>Generally, is there a way in lyx that I can visually break text into
>>lines without using linebreak(\\) and without terminating the current
>>environment (by hit <Enter>)?
>Did you try <Strg>-<Enter> in Lyx?     It gives you an newline within the 
I guess you are using some non-US keyboard on which <Strg> means the
same as <Ctrl> on mine.
<Ctrl>-<Enter> produce the linebreak I metioned previously (that's the
way I produce linebreaks, actually). A linebreak in lyx is equivalent to
a '\\' in tex. So <Ctrl>-<Enter> around that \and command leads to wrong
output dvi/pdf (not latex error,I made mistakes last time).

You may try out the attachments to see what I mean.

>second way: Did you try to put
>>\author {
>in TeX-code inside Lyx by marking the text an hitting <Strg>-<L>? Doing this 
>LaTeX will read that portion of text as pure LaTeX-code.
Yes, this works. But looks even more ugly.

Thanks anyway.


Attachment: newfile3.lyx
Description: application/lyx

Attachment: newfile1.lyx
Description: application/lyx

Attachment: newfile2.lyx
Description: application/lyx

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