Georg Baum schrieb:

I tested it, and the result is:

dvipdfm         fine
pdflatex        rotated
ps2pdf          fine

This is the same in tetex 2.02 and tetex 3.0 on linux. I guess that you have
hit a bug (or feature?) of pdflatex.

No. In this case the problem is the eps-file itself:

Also when I convert it via Adobe Acrobat's Distiller, I get a rotated pdf-image that has the size A4. The size is the problem because the eps doesn't seem to have a border/bounding box. pdflatex doesn't know how to handle this so that you get different outputs. (On my machine epstopdf sets the size to A4, ps2pdf doesn't set the border, and GSview sets the border to A4 and produce a rotated PDF image.)

So you need to produce an eps with borders around the diagram.

Herbert, is my diagnosis right?

regards Uwe

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