K. Elo wrote:

> Hi,
> Axel Dessecker, 9.12.2005 19:50:
>> Kimmo,
>> Am Freitag, 09. Dezember 2005 15:27 schrieb K. Elo:
>> > 1) The title should be followed by a footnote marked with *, i.e.
>> > bla bla bla*
>> > 2) All other footnotes should be marked with numbers (1,2,...).
>> > Actually, the idea is the same as in TLC2e, p. 115.
>> What about something like
>> \thanks{The author wishes to thank his girlfriend, kids, pets, and
>> the LyX community.}

No need for ERT. If you insert a footnote at the end of your title, LyX is
smart enough to format it as a \thanks.

Beware, that \thanks{} is fragile in LaTeX. Try inserting a bullet list in a
thanks footnote. It won't compile without some strategically placed
\protect commands. Then try inserting a bullet list in a normal footnote.
It works. Bizarre behaviours like this one are kept to oblige you to buy
fat and expensive LaTeX manuals ;-)


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