Thank you Paul. By the way, your suggestion uncovered
just another minor issue: I use sciword binding file.
It supposedly includes the math.bind file which
contains the binding you mentioned (but without
AltGr). However it didn't work. I tried to find the
reason and noticed that there is a typo in
sciword.bind file: it inclued "maths.bind" file (which
doesn't exist) instead of "math.bind". Just in case
anyone runs into the same problem...


--- Paul Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 12/11/05, Nusret BALCI <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > The following doesn't harm in any serious way, but
> > it's a curious behavior.
> >
> > I think Lyx doesn't handle well commands like
> \left\{,
> >  \right\{
> > \left(, \right), etc. from the user interface.
> > Especially try the ones for braces, you'll see
> what I
> > mean. Interestingly, when you write first
> > \left(  \right),  and then place the cursor
> between
> > the parentheses, Lyx allows you to write between
> > \right  and ) for example. it's hard to notice
> this,
> > as the only visual hint is an invisible slim extra
> > space before ) caused by \right. This causes latex
> > errors.
> Nusret: use (inside math mode)
> alt+m and then alt gr+ {
> Good luck!
> Paul

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