Angus Leeming wrote:
Stacia Hartleben wrote:

Can you use the current LyX program to write in Japanese?

Nope, not yet. The Big Plan (TM) for the next development series after LyX
1.4 is released is to use unicode internally. I'd expect that LyX-CJK
would be merged with the official LyX at that point, much as the official
LyX eventually swallowed up (and improved upon) the LyX/Win port.

So, for now, you'll have to use LyX-CJK.

Sorry for the late followup, but this is actually a related question.

In my dissertation I need to include a single kanji (SHI/ko, "child", Nelson number 1264) in one chapter where I discuss Japanese given names. The original version of this chapter is written in WordPerfect for Linux, which let me insert a kanji character right into the text.

In the LyX version (which I'm retyping manually, as that's probably less effort than trying to get a clean conversion and lets me edit and revise as I go), a small graphic of the character would probably be a reasonable alternative, if it's too difficult to get the character itself into the text. But perhaps it wouldn't be so difficult to put this one character in using ERT?

Any opinions on the best way to do this? Final output will be PDF (probably created with pdflatex), and I'm using LyX under Windows, though I could easily install it under Linux if for some reason it was easier there.

Michael Wojcik

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