Stacia, this is great--I thought the only way to do trees and IPA in LyX was in ERT. I don't know how many linguists are on this list, but what do people think of starting a wiki page "LyX for Linguists," similar to "LaTeX for linguists"?

Linguists, as opposed to, say mathematicians, have pretty specific typographic and formatting needs that aren't obvious in LyX, such as:

- a numbered paragraph environment, in parentheses, with numbering sequential throughout the document - table editing: double lines, dashed lines, shaded table cells (for Optimality Theory)
- pointy hand symbol (for Optimality Theory)
- IPA fonts
- trees, syntactic and autosegmental/prosodic
- aligned glosses
- math symbols intermingled with phonetic symbols
- switching from one language's orthography to another in the same document/paragraph/line

Some of this is covered on Doug Arnold's LaTeX for linguists page, but it would be nice to have a LyX-specific translation for newcomers. If one ends up doing everything in ERT, LyX loses some of its considerable charm!

I'd be happy to contribute what I've learned about the tasks above. (I don't know how to do everything in that list, though.)


On Feb 17, 2006, at 10:06 AM, Stacia Hartleben wrote:

I'd be happy to make an info page on the lyx wiki, except would it
really be useful, now that 1.4 is going to get rid of the xymatrix
support? That makes me really sad :(

On 2/17/06, Juergen Spitzmueller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Herbert Voss wrote:
do you know the following packages?

Linguistic tree diagrams for Role and Reference Grammar (RRG)

typesetting of trees that are common in linguistics jftree/

Linguistic: autosegmental representations

I know that such packages exist. However, I do not use them.


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