Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

>>>>>> "Peter" == Peter Bowyer
>>>>>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Peter> Hi, Failing to find a view in LyX similar to Microsoft Word's
> Peter> Outline view, how do you plan and structure your large
> Peter> documents with LyX? Is there an external tool that will work
> Peter> with LyX to do this? I'm thinking mainly about moving
> Peter> sections/subsections between chapters to get the shape of the
> Peter> finished document clear, while some subsections already have
> Peter> text within them.
> No, this does not exist.

Maybe simpler than recreating the MsWord outlining interface would be to add
a feature :

When you put your cursor at the start of a section (chapter, section,
subserction, etc.) you have a new option in Edit to select the section
which would select the title and everything under it. Then you could cut
and paste it elsewhere.

Is it something easy to do in the actual Lyx framework ?

Having an menu action (Ctrl-A) to select quickly all the document would be
nice also.



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