On Tue, 11 Apr 2006, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

> christian> Just in case it wasn't clear, I think he'd like a function
> christian> to that changes the buffer to the previous buffer. Then
> christian> after he's switched, he can use that function again to
> christian> switch back. I know that I would have like this function
> christian> when I was writing a lot in LyX.
> Would the solution be that switching to a document brings it to the
> front of the document list? Then the previous one is accessible
> through Ctrl-PageUp.

No, I think that'd just be confusing... :-)

I think Lars has the right idea, the command buffer-switch should by 
default switch back to the previously opened buffer if it isn't told 
anything else.

> Also adding tabs for the open documents would be very easy and probably
> very helpful too.

True, although tabs is orthogonal to this, isn't it? (i.e. separate 
entry). Personally I don't use tabs that much... sometimes they are useful 
in Opera to rearrange the order just so that switching beteween pages is 
more convenient though.


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44               http://www.md.kth.se/~chr

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