On Tue, 11 Apr 2006, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

> >>>>> "christian" == christian ridderstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >>  Would the solution be that switching to a document brings it to
> >> the front of the document list? Then the previous one is accessible
> >> through Ctrl-PageUp.
> christian> No, I think that'd just be confusing... :-)
> Isn't this what emacs does?

Um... Ctrl-PageUp doesn't do that in my Emacs.

If you mean that the buffer list is reordered, I have no idea... I rarely 
look at it...

> christian> I think Lars has the right idea, the command buffer-switch
> christian> should by default switch back to the previously opened
> christian> buffer if it isn't told anything else.
> Also, when closing a document, we should not revert to the first open
> document. 

Good point.

> >> Also adding tabs for the open documents would be very easy and
> >> probably very helpful too.
> christian> True, although tabs is orthogonal to this, isn't it? (i.e.
> christian> separate entry). Personally I don't use tabs that much...
> It would allow to see one screen what the relative position of
> documents is. Therefore you now how many times to do Ctrl-PageUp/Down.

Hmm... maybe. I have tabs shown in Opera, and I switch between the pages 
quite a lot. However, I don't think I've ever looked at the tabs to 
actually decide how many times to do Ctrl-Left/Right...

This could simply be a matter of me having way to many tabs open at once
of course. Anyway, I think having tabs could be really good, but I'm not
convinced it completely replaces the need for just switching to the
previous buffer.


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44               http://www.md.kth.se/~chr

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