On 7/2/06, Alexander Braun <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
at the moment I'm pretty desperate, because I try to insert some images into
my lyx-document, that are not shown in any preview or exported document.

To be more precise:
I inserted graphic overview.eps, which lies in the same path as my document.
The picture is diplayed in the open lyx-document. Now, when I choose
View->DVI or View->Postscript my document is rendered perfectly despite the
On the shell I can see the error message:
! LaTeX Error: File `overview' not found.

What do I wrong? I already searched google the whole evening. Can anybody help
me, even tough the question might be asked already (could find nothing in
archive, which helped)

Probably, Alexander, you need to specify (inside LyX) the *full* path
to your eps picture. That is only an idea.


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