Actually, I'm told I should "run BibTeX on my source tex file," but when I do what I think this means, with a small test file BblTest.tex, I get an error message from BibDesk: "cannot open file name BibTest.aux"



On Jul 17, 2006, at 3:57 PM, Bruce Pourciau wrote:

I've got a .bib file and a .bst style file. A journal tells me to make from these a .bbl file, so I can include (as a TeX inset?) the .bbl file in my LyX document and/or cut and paste the .bbl file into the TeX file. Any suggestions on how to make such a .bbl file? I know I need to "run BibTeX on the .bib file," but I'm not sure how to do this using TeXShop.

Any help would be appreciated.


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