On Tue, Jul 18, 2006 at 07:41:06PM +1000, Russell Davie wrote:
> On Mon, 17 Jul 2006 16:28:43 +0100
> Sam Lewis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi guys,
> > In the world of ubuntu, are there any binaries for Dapper main?
> > Somewhere? Anyone, any idea?
> I have made some debs for Lyx1.4.1 in Dapper which are here :
> http://home.exetel.com.au/randombits
> As for Lyx1.4.2, I couldn't do this as the Debian diff file is not
> available.  So I just built it from source in Dapper and Lyx works as 
> promised :)
Pelle promised to upload 1.4.2 soon a few days ago, so I guess he had some
other important things to do in the meantime that stopped this plan.
Additional there has been a compromise of gluck.d.o with a following lock down
of all other debian.org machines and some problems with ftp-master IIRC.

Anyway all you've to do is to check out the stuff from the svn repo and
build it on your own.

The basic steps should be something like this:

mkdir -p pkg-lyx/build-area
mkdir pkg-lyx/tarballs
cd pkg-lyx/tarballs
wget ftp://ftp.lyx.org/pub/lyx/stable/lyx-1.4.2.tar.gz
mv lyx-1.4.2.tar.gz lyx_1.4.2.orig.tar.gz
cd ..
svn co svn://svn.debian.org/svn/pkg-lyx/lyx/trunk lyx-1.4.2
cd lyx-1.4.2
[modify what you need, most proberly changelog for your own version and
maybe the frontend list in rules]
svn-buildpackage -us -uc -rfakeroot
[or whatever you'd like to call dpkg-buildpackge with]


And no I dont want to provide my own builds because the final Debian packages
should arrive in a few days - so be patient and enjoy the sun :)
If you won't forgive me the rest of my life
Let me apologize while I'm still alive
I know it's time to face all of my past mistakes
  [Less than Jake - Rest Of My Life]

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