Stephen Harris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>>> Nick Thomas developed a script to convert LyX to OpenOffice called
>>> ConvTeX: [.sxw OOo ext.?]

Yes, it still uses the OOo1 format sxw.

>>> which probably works a bit better on Linux than Windows.

I've just tried it out on my Win98 box. There seem to be commands in
the convtex.bat file that do not work under Win98. There also seem to
be problems with handling paths. I've rewritten the batch file and the
two other config files provided in the package to fit to my system,
but it still doesn't work. :-(

I'll keep on trying. 8-) Thanks for the hint, anyway. Didn't know
about the project yet. Seems an interesting idea because the only
other project for converting TeX > OOo that I know of is oolatex from
tex4ht, and this doesn't work either in MiKTeX 2.4...


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