Dear all,
I have some questions/comments about using the current lyx version on
ubuntu (current/6.06).

First I checked the lyx ftp server, but found no 1.4.2 binaries for
ubuntu. Are there any?

Then I downloaded the 1.4.1 binaries in the ubuntu/dapper dir, but I had
no luck with them. They either gave me 1.3.7 or failed due to dependency

Therefore I compiled from source, which worked relatively smoothly
(after installing a ton of devel tools and libs, of course, and pointing
to the qt dir).

So I now have lyx 1.4.2 running. One glitch though: the German menus do
not display the Umlaute (ä, ö, ü), instead they have other symbols, so
some encoding issue messes that up. How can this be solved? (Actually,
I'm used to working with the English menus so I will switch back
eventually, but I won't ask here how to do that because I'm sure it's in
the manual and that's would you're gonna tell me, right? :-)

Also, I found some ubuntu tool to convert the locale to utf-8. Would
that help, or would it make things worse?

Thanks for your help and info,

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