Urijah Kaplan wrote:
I did everything you suggested, and there are no more error messages.

It only kinda works.

The original document rendered as dvi without complaint, but did not heed my single spacing instructions. I thought that might be something to do with my original file, so I made a new one with just three lines, and no other formatting but single spacing. It worked!

If the entire document is single-spaced, then the setspace package is not used.

But when I right, left, or center align it (with the paragraph dialog) it doesn't work (It double spaces, I think). It only works with the default alignment of "justified". Boooo!

Is there any kind of example LyX document with different formatting tests? For all I know there might be many other problems with my installation
preventing documents from rendering correctly.

I've attached a document that is double-spaced by default, but the middle paragraph is single-spaced and right-justified. I used the paragraph settings dialog both from the Edit menu and from the tool button (not that it should matter), and it worked both ways.

Thanks so much for your help.
(And no, I was not fully operational either even before using LyX.)

Well, perhaps LyX will set you right.  :-)

Attachment: spacing.lyx
Description: application/lyx

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