I just don't installed Python on the first try because I think the bundle 
version of the installer do not need anyother external package...

I was wrong; it needs the Python, but at the website do not mention it!


Well, I will download the newest Python and try to install it again!
Thanks a lot!!!
> This is a Python error.  The "def ..." line matches line 49 in
> configure.py on my system, which works.  The problem may be that your
> version of Python is too old.  I notice that the directory is
> "C:\Python20".  I have Python 2.3 installed, and LyX ships with a
> stripped version of Python 2.5.  Try this experiment again, but use
> C:\LyX14\python\python.exe.  If that works, either upgrade your Python
> installation or put the LyX Python directory on the LyX path prefix.

  The minimum requirement for lyx-1.4.x is python 2.2.0

> /Paul

José Abílio

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