On Tuesday 05 June 2007 20:13, Enrico Forestieri wrote:
> Steve Litt writes:
> > =================================================
> > \documentclass[12pt]{amsbook}
> > \newcommand{\cn}[1]{\texttt{\char92 #1}}
> >
> > \begin{document}
> > \begin{align*}
> > x&=5y+3z+221a+43621&&\qquad\text{hellox}\\
> > 436x+227y+488z+221& = a&&\qquad\text{Steve was here}\\
> > a&=b&&\qquad\text{boingo}
> > \end{align*}
> >
> > \end{document}
> > =================================================
> >
> > OK, so I have it solved on a LaTeX level, but now I have to put it into
> > the LyX level in such a way that my equations and explanations show up
> > reasonably in LyX without the use of ERT.
> Copy and paste as text in your LyX document everything between (and
> including) \begin{align*} and \end{align*}. Now select everything you
> pasted and then hit Ctrl-m.
> In LyX you get the align* environment through Insert>Math>AMS align
> Environment and you add more row/columns through Edit>Row&Columns.


That works perfectly. Unbelieveable!

It's the best of both worlds. The equations show up in LyX, but I can write 
the equations in LaTeX, which I consider MUCH easier and more logical than 
writing them using LyX features.

Before considering this challenge completely overcome, I need to perform a 
dead end analysis on it to make sure that half way through the book I won't 
find a horrible problem with it. I need to make sure that I can insert lines 
of text, split the run of equations, add an equation and the like.

Also, I need a hotkey that does more of the work. I need to create a LyX 
command script that inserts the \begin{align*} and \end{\align*}, as well as 
inserting \\ at the end of each line.

Thanks for the innovative approach Enrico.


Steve Litt
Author: Universal Troubleshooting Process books and courseware

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