First, to whomever made export to HTML work with bibliographies from inside of LYX in 1.5.x - THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!!!! Until now I have had to follow every time I wanted to generate HTML output and it was awful. Now the process is painless! You have made using LyX much easier.

So if I may push my luck, is there any hope of getting LyX to natively support the href macro?

I know about the InsertURL function and for the life of me I can't tell the difference in terms of HTML output between the Url and HtmlURL forms. Both seem to output the name followed by the URL. But that isn't the functionality that I really need. What I need is to just have the name displayed but have the URL value be used to define the link. If I use the href macro this works in both PDF and HTML. But using ERT is really nasty.

Is there any hope LyX will natively support HREF?



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