On 22 aug 2007, at 16.47, Clover wrote:

Anders Ekberg wrote:
Tue, 21 Aug 2007 13:40:50 -0700

Clover wrote:
Yup, a few bounces on the dock and it's gone. Did try installing it again but no luck. This was in my Console log:
LyX: reconfiguring user directory
python: execv: /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/ Resources/Python.app/Contents/MacOS/Python: No such file or directory
LyX: Done!
TextClassList::Read: unable to find textclass file  `'. Exiting.

Any ideas?

No leads, anyone?
Would really have liked to try Lyx.

I agree with Bennett, you seem to have (tried to) installed Python v.1.5 (If I remember correctly Python 2.3 ships with the OS).
Try opening the Terminal and typing python -V  What do you get?
You can also try running python by just typing python in the Terminal. (Try by typing something like 2+2 and return to see that it works, and then Ctrl D to quit). If python doesn't work then this is your main concern and not LyX in itself.


"python -V" gives 2.3.5
python does work fine (i.e., 2 + 2 gives 4)

Any other leads?
... from other mail ...
And of course I don't have a folder "/Library/Frameworks/ Python.framework". I do have a Python folder is in "/Library/ Python/2.3" and "which python" gives "usr/bin/python".

OK, so you have a functioning Python 2.3, but LyX looks for a 2.5 (it seems). Bennett, is it possible to specify for LyX exactly where to look? Or does it look in PYTHONPATH?


Please cc the list. It is very hard to give good advices when you only see fragments of the discussion.

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