Giuseppe Pagnoni wrote:
I am using lyx with powerdot for a presentation.  I am trying to insert
a figure within an ERT box, to get advantage of the \twocolumn command
of powerdot.

I discovered that lyx does not output figures to pdf when using ps2pdf
(I checked this with a new "article" document containing a single ERT
command \includegraphics{....}). It does output the figure when using
dvipdfm, but the problem is that powerdot requires ps2pdf...

Does anybody know of a workaround?  I am using lyx 1.4.3 on Ubuntu (and
the figure I am inserting is an eps).

What you're describing works for me in LyX 1.4.4 on Windows -- I put \includegraphics{...} in ERT, View -> PDF (ps2pdf) and the image is there, provided that the image is EPS (which you said yours is).

The only caveat is that you will need to add \usepackage{graphicx} to the preamble if you are not inserting any other images using Insert -> Graphics. LyX automatically adds the command when it inserts a graphic, but it does not poke around your ERT to see if you are inserting one manually. I assume you either have the command in the preamble or have other images inserted normally (or maybe Powerdot loads graphicx?) -- otherwise I don't think you would get the dvipdfm output.


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