Dear all,

I am using lyx with powerdot for a presentation.  I am trying to insert
a figure within an ERT box, to get advantage of the \twocolumn command
of powerdot.

I discovered that lyx does not output figures to pdf when using ps2pdf
(I checked this with a new "article" document containing a single ERT
command \includegraphics{....}). It does output the figure when using
dvipdfm, but the problem is that powerdot requires ps2pdf...

Does anybody know of a workaround?  I am using lyx 1.4.3 on Ubuntu (and
the figure I am inserting is an eps).

thank you very much for any suggestion

Giuseppe Pagnoni
Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Emory University School of Medicine
101 Woodruff Circle, Suite 4000
Atlanta, GA, 30322
tel: 404-712-9582
fax: 404-727-3233 

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