Roberto Gorjão wrote:
Olá Sam,

With respect, where exactly is said that this is an English only speaking list?

I see no reason why it should be considered English-only. LyX has always been an international effort.

I'm a newcomer to this list so I don't know if such a rule really exists or not, but its meaning, if it exists, worries me.

It would worry me, as well.

I, like many people, can usually figure out what someone is asking, particularly about computers, in most European languages, even if I can't reply in that language (or even correctly identify it!). If my English reply can help, great.

I do not think that English natives really appreciate the effort that it represents for a foreigner to express himself in English.

I can't imagine what's so hard about English. I've been speaking it since I was 2.

You see claims on usenet newsgroups, even non-US-specific ones, that they are "English language" groups. That in part reflects the US dominance on the net, and some subtle prejudices that come from that.

We can all benefit from spending time in a country where we don't understand the language, or culture. We learn more about our own, and learn some tolerance for foreigners we might encounter back at home. I'm going to be doing that, myself, come January. I'll be living 5 months in Valencia, Spain (anyone on the list from there?). My Spanish, as has been made clear to me already, is rudimentary. By the time I come back, it probably won't be, unless I learn Catalan instead.

BTW, LyX was not an "English-developed software", Roberto. The original developer is German, the math-insets were primarily written by a Mexican, and there is this JMarc guy who probably speaks some sort of furrin lingo.


David L. Johnson

The lottery is a tax on those who fail to understand mathematics.

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