Hi LyXers,

sorry for a perhaps silly question, but I was unable to solve it with
the User Guide.
In AMS-style, I need to enumerate items inside Example, Theorem, or
Lemma environments

I want them to look roughly as follows:

Theorem  (i) blabla
(ii) blablu kjkjkjk
     oioioi oioio
(iii) blubla oipoipoi

The only way I was able to nest an enum environment inside a theorem is
by putting <Ctrl-Space Enter> in the Theorem then do an enum and
increase its depth. Unfortunately, this produces the layout

       (i)   blabla
       (ii)  blablu
       (iii)  blubla

But I don't want
 - the empty line after "Theorem"
 - the exaggerated indentation

Wat is the trick, or where can I read how to do it ?


H.Peter Gumm

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