On  8.11.07, Joris van Zwieten wrote:

> ... how I can change from the graphical display back to the latex
> source again.

* You can mark and copy the content of a math-box and insert it outside the
  math box.
* You can use the plain math commands to produce or edit a math formula also
  inside the math box. (E.g., when writing \alpha, the characters will
  first appear in red and after a space turn into the greek letter.) This
  is what I usually do, except for seldom used commands where it is
  faster to insert from the toolbar than to look up the syntax.
* You can (as already said) use the LaTeX view - either to copy the content
  or just to see where you are when editing inside the math box.    
* You could also use ERT (don't forget the $$ then) but this gives poor
  visual feedback.

Feature request:

ERT, footnotes, boxes, and comments can be converted to text by
pressing <Backspace> when the cursor is at the begin of the box.

-> It would be nict to have this feature for math-boxes too!

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