On Nov 18, 2007 8:01 AM, stuwelly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi there,
> Ive written a thesis using Lyx using a  report document class, but have a
> few issues, I'm hoping somoene may have the answers. I've spent this morning
> looking through the user guides and other files provided by Lyx but as of
> yet haven't had much joy, also searched on the Lyx wiki.
> There are large gaps at the top of the page when a new chapter starts, I've
> tried altering the page margins but they do not apply to chapters? Is there
> anyway of reducing this spacing?
> When using the Table of Contents (TOC), I can't find a way of the References
> being put into the list?
> Also related to the TOCl; the Appendices just comes up with 'A - Title of
> first appendix', rather than 'Appendix A - Title of first appendix'
> Thanks for taking the time to read my problems, any help would be much
> appreciated.
> Regards
> Stuart

I think for the majority of these issues it would be wise to look into
additional latex packages that are available from http://tug.ctan.org/

For instance the look of the appendices in the body of the document
and the toc can be altered with the appendix package. I've included an
example of how to use the package to insert the word 'appendix' in the
body of the document and in the toc. Reference the documentation for
this package on ctan.org.

There are also a few packages available for changing the look of
chapters with options to change the spacing. Or as someone else
suggested you may look into the koma-script document class that has
these options built in. There is a reference manual over 200 pages
long for the koma-script class with many options to alter the look of
the document. This manual is also available on ctan.

Also, as someone else eluded to, the tocbibind package is available
for adding different elements to the toc. I specifically used this
package for my thesis because it was required to have the toc, lof,
and lot in the toc. In this case I just put \usepackage{tocbibind} and
this includes most elements in your toc. However, once again look at
the package documentation for a detailed description of the options
available and once again this documentation is found at ctan. Good


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