On Dec 19, 2007 8:14 PM, Dov Feldstern <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi!
> Abdel, thanks for the heads up. I just haven't been able to keep up with
> the mailing list / development in the past few weeks... :(
> I don't really understand much at all about the packaging. My
> understanding is that these are LaTeX issues, over which LyX has no
> control, and which are also very platform specific. So I'm afraid I
> can't be of much help here...

Dov, I'm not an expert, but my understanding is also that my issue is
a LaTeX issue. I think, however, that you're missing my point.
On platforms where a package manager is the standard way to obtain
software, LyX installs great, and I have no complaints. On platforms
where the standard way to obtain software is by downloading a file
from a website (Windows, Mac OS X), however, an application should,
whenever possible, include all of its dependencies in the installation
file. Basically, my point is that It is not user-friendly if an
application does not work properly out-of-the box.

Ideally, with regards to LaTeX, the Windows and Mac OS X installation
files should include the latest version of LaTeX and during
installation either install that as well (default option) or allow (a
more advanced user) specifying the path to an existing LaTeX
installation. The same with regards to any other dependencies it has.

> And I second Charles suggestion: the ivritex mailing list could be
> helpful regarding hebrew-specific latex issues. I seem to recall that
> there was someone else asking about Mac OS X a few months ago, so you
> might also want to search the ivritex archives.

Thanks for pointing me there, and I will do so. But I'm a fairly
advanced user (I'm a software developer myself) - a less experienced
one would not go hunting for advice on mailing lists. Nobody should
have to, unless something very unusual happens.

Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful for all your work on LyX (and to the
LaTeX guys, and to Knuth), but the packaging can ruin the whole
experience for someone...

Alexander (aka Sasha) Maryanovsky.

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