On 17.01.08, Jeremy C. Reed wrote:
> Normally, I can highlight text in a terminal and paste it with a 
> middle-click. In LyX, usually I can get to it with Edit -> Paste Special.
> (I can copy-and-paste fine in my xterms.)

> In my LyX, the Paste Special choices are shaded out and not clickable.

> This is LyX 1.5.2 on NetBSD. I am not running any clipboard utility.

> Any ideas why I can't paste into LyX?

I did a test on my LyX 1.5.3 on Debian/testing++ with XFCE4 and
xfce4-clipman and got very strange results:

A newly opened LyX (first time after starting the Computer) with a new
buffer did not accept any mouse-pasting (middle click) from xterms or xjed.
(Whether with a simple middel click or via Edit>Paste did not matter.)

Just typing some text in the LyX window did not change this behaviour.

After marking some text (with mouse) and Ctrl-C, I could paste this text
with a middle-mouse click.

Now also pasting text from other applications works fine.

Closing LyX and opening a new one: The second time pasting works from the

Any clues?


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