Hi, I've been using LyX for years -- since maybe 1.2 or earlier. I've always been able to print well-formatted out-put directly from LyX. But now on 1.5.3 I cannot. I have dvips defined as the print command in preferences. And it does print but it cuts off the footer no matter what I do. I can print from the dvi directly where this is not a problem but then I can't specify odd or even pages like I can by printing directly from LyX. Does anyone know what I missing here that I might be able to recover my ability to print fully formatted docs in LyX 1.5.3?

I have never had a problem printing from LyX on a mac. I have not changed any of the defaults in the preferences. You might try printing to a ps file from the LyX print dialog and then opening it in Preview. If the footer is visible then I would say the problem is with your printer driver, not LyX setup.
I have had footers cut off when printing from other programs like Word.
good luck

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