> Paul A. Rubin wrote:
> > You will also need \setcounter{enumi}{3} in the same ERT box; 
> > otherwise you'll get
> >
> > 3.
> > 1.
> >
> > on the second slide (I think).
> Ah yes. I forgot.
> Jürgen

The [allowframebreaks]-Option doesn't work for me... I insert it at the
beginning of the 2nd slide's title, but the enumeration starts new. When I
put a "[3]" at the beginning of the 2nd slide's enumeration it has the right
number, but in wrong format (not as the other enumeration-points). 

The \setcounter{enumi}{3}-Command at the beginning of the 2nd slide's
numeration works, but not for the first item. All of the following items
have correct numbers, but the first has still "1". How can I resolve this?


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