Thanks for the tip.
However, I have some questions.

Using Insert->Program Listing is great if you only need one or two listings but keeping consistency throughout a large document is a pain. So I decided to try and create a new layout using the listings package, but I'm getting some unwanted newlines in my output.

I have this in my layout file:

Style CodeBlock
        LatexType                       Environment
        LatexName                       lstlisting
        OptionalArgs            0
        InTitle                         0
        Margin                          Static
        NextNoIndent            0
        ParIndent                       MMMM
        Newline                         0
        PassThru                        1
        FreeSpacing                     1

(I added the Newline, PassThru, and FreeSpacing options as experimentation to try to get the spurious newlines eaten, to no effect but I left them in this listing in the
interest of full disclosure ;)

If I give input in lyx (using the CodeBlock environment above) of:

some line of code 1
some line of code 2
some line of code 3

I get output such as:

some line of code 1

some line of code 2

some line of code 3

However, when I use the Insert->Program Listing option, it generates the exact same latex code as my environment, except that I don't get all the extra newlines.

So my question is how do I get LyX to not pass those extra newlines and behave with the environment similar to the Inset?

On Feb 26, 2008, at 9:16 AM, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:

Michael Grubb wrote:
First these are the features that I'm really interested in (or
alternatives/compromises to these):

Ability to have short code/command examples in-line with normal text,
preferably set off with a monospaced font.
Ability to have longer code/command examples in a verbatim environment
(possible surrounded by a box and a shaded background)
Ability to have longer code/command examples labled and indexed
(similar to figures and tables)

As of 1.5.0, LyX supports the listings package. It has both an inline and a displayed listings "inset" which should provide what you're looking for.


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