Hi, I've been using LyX for at least a few years now. And now, to my surprise I'm having a problem opening older LyX docs in 1.5.3 that I don't have in opening in 1.4.x.

These may have been created with LyX 1.3 or perhaps even earlier. 1.4 has no problem opening them, but 1.5.3 crashes when I try to open these older LyX files. I don't have a problem opening docs created in 1.4 with 1.5.3. But earlier ones are crashing LyX.

I looked all over the Wiki and can't find anything about this. I still have 1.4 and I tried opening and re-saving the files in LyX 1.4 and then opening (on another computer) in 1.5.3 and it didn't help.

Surely I've missed something along the way here. Can someone tell me what I have to do to make these older LyX docs open in 1.5.3?

thanks much,
jamie faunt

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