On  3.03.08, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:
> Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:
> > Conclusion: if you need bold math characters, Times Roman is not a good
> > choice (if you insist on mixing fonts that do not match, you can still 

set the fonts to "default" in the Settings>Document>Fonts selection
boxes and in the LaTeX preamble

> > load Times Roman as roman font only with
> >
> > \def\rmdefault{ptm}
> >
> > which is still better than \usepackage{times}).

> There's also the following hack:

> \usepackage{amsmath}
> \renewcommand\boldsymbol[1]{\pmb{#1}}

> This fakes bold symbols by means of overprinting. Not very nice either.

But it might still be better than silently dropping the "bold"
attribute of symbols.

The question is: Given a document with DefaultFont==Times and use of
\boldsymbol, whether LyX should 

 a) implement this fallback 
      * always
      * if Use AMS == auto or always
      * if Use AMS == always
 b) recommend it in the docs
 c) mention it in the docs


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