Paul Johnson wrote:

I've been double checking and I do not believe the pdf images have a
big white space in them at the top.  It is appearing to me that LyX
wants to treat an inserted pdf graphic as if it is a thing on its own
8.5x11 inch sized piece of white paper.  WHen I view the pdf in
acroread or evince, there is no big white space at the top and the
properties properly indicate the size of the pdf is 5x7 inches, as I
intended when I created it.

I've had that happen to me, and it seems to be a function of what program generated the PDF image. Either some programs are not entirely reliable about getting the bounding box in correctly, or else they deliberately make the image a full page.

I use both EPS and PDF images in my lecture slides (Beamer, output using pdfLaTeX), and both display fine. I often do have to manually clip the PDF images, though. I just opened one and, for the heck of it, clicked the button in the LyX dialog to read the bounding box from the file. It zeroed out all four values.

I'm a bit surprised at your earlier comment that PDF output using an EPS image looks bad. I have not had that problem. IIRC, LyX converts the EPS file to a PDF file in the temp directory. I seem to recall a problem a while back where something was being given a parameter that called for too low a resolution in the output. You might check whether you have an EPS to PDF converter defined in LyX and, if so, you might want to experiment with changing it. Before doing this, my suggestion would be to stick an EPS image in a document, View -> PDF (pdflatex), then poke into the LyX temp directory, open the converted PDF image and see if it looks fuzzy in acroread or evince or whatever. If so, you need to tweak the conversion process. If not, the problem lies elsewhere.


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