Dave Wood wrote:
How do I set up Lyx to use a network printer? At the moment I can print by
viewing as pdf in kpdf which sees my printer. I would like to be able to
print direct from Lyx though, as I sometimes want to print old files and
not have to preview them first.

I have tried using the cups printer name, the server address:port etc to no

It is all set up in

If you haven't done anything there, then the default is to create
a .ps file using dvips, and then hand that file to "lp" and use
whatever printer "lp" consider default. This works for many, but not all.
Perhaps you simply have to add the printer name in the right place.

Some people have "lpr" instead of "lp", consider replacing "lp" then.
Cups  (in debian: the package cupsys-client) provides a "lp" binary
that lyx can use. This will print to whatever printer cups
considers default. It can also print to non-default printers if
you specify them in LyX.
Make sure this program actually is installed. It is possible to have
the cups server without client software installed. At least with debian/ubuntu.

If this doesn't work - either change the preferences so LyX
prints using whatever command line utility you have that
can get a postscript file to the printer, or change things
so "lp" works.

For experimentation, export a .ps file from LyX and try to
print it manually from the command line. When you have a command
that works, change LyX to use that.

The details of the lyx printer setup dialog is perhaps not that easy to
understand - ask again if you get more trouble.

Helge Hafting

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