On Thu, 27 Mar 2008, Uwe Stöhr wrote:

>  We should call our mascot "Lydia".

 I'm not against it, but I'm curious about the reasoning.

We need more female users, as the developers are only male, we should at least have a femal mascot ;-). I simply like the name that was first proposed in bug 135.

Sounds slightly sexist, we should hope for more female users and developers instead :-) Anyway, Lydia isn't bad, but inspires me to suggest Lyxia ... However, that bug seems "resolved" to 'The LyX' ?


I put together some notes (and a photo of a real platypus!) here


The page could useful if we start a discussion/vote on a new name.


Lyxia sounds oddly oral as in cunnilingus. Lydia sounds like a cross between LyX and Apple Lisa.

``The LyX'' sounds like one is entering a Rave or a Comedy Club.

Lydia would work if it's actually an Acronym for this LaTeX WYSIWYM Environment.

LyM - LaTeX You Mean vs. LaTeX You eXecute?

- Marc

Marc J. Driftmeyer
Web :: http://www.reanimality.com
Cell :: (509) 435-5212

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